Summer Reading Reward Program

Graduation Requirements
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS: Graduation requirements are based on units of credit earned in grades nine through 12. A unit of credit is defined as the amount of credit given for the successful completion of a course which meets 4 days per week for a minimum of 53 minutes daily for at least 36 weeks or the equivalent. A minimum of 24 units of credit shall be required for high school graduation.
Beginning with the class of 2022: Subject Requirement Language arts 4.0 units Social Studies 3.0 units (including 1 unit of Government) Science 3.0 units Mathematics 3.0 units Physical Education 1.5 units Computer Science 1.0 units Fine Arts (Music, Art) 1.0 units CTE (Ag, Shop, Business) 1.0 units Electives 6.5 units Total 24.0 units |
Additionally, CDE requires Students to choose from a Menu of Options - embedded in each school district’s graduation requirements - to demonstrate their readiness for career, college and the military, based on at least one measure in Reading, Writing, and Communicating, and one measure in Mathematics. More information can be found here
State Testing Opt Out Letter & Form
Gifted & Talented
Starting in the 2023-2024 school year, students in secondary will write their own ALP goals and be responsible for their measurement. This will creates a more student centered experience. Please see the slide show for more info on the process.
Elementary students will still attend a student, parent, teacher, coordinator meeting.
Testing Schedule
In addition to state and federally mandated testing, Hi-Plains also administers the NWEA MAPS assessment three times per year. Beginning of year is within the first 4 weeks of school, middle of year is within 4 weeks of the 2nd semester and end of year is within the last 4 weeks of school. In MAPS, we assess reading and math, and sometimes language usage and science.
Hi-Plains also uses Imagination Station for monthly benchmark assessments in reading and math in grades K-12.